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What Is "Civil Litigation" Anyway?


Chung & Ignacio, LLP has a thriving civil litigation practice, but do you know what our litigators do? "Civil litigation" is a term thrown around in the legal field, but one that is much less common in daily vernacular.

An oversimplification of this area of practice would be “not criminal litigation.” In other words, civil litigation describes a dispute between two parties that is not based on criminal sanctions. Typically, civil litigation cases have one party (the plaintiff) that is seeking money or some other kind of remedy (damages) from another party, whom we call the defendant.

Since civil litigation describes non-criminal legal cases, the nature of these cases is extremely broad and differs from client to client. Our civil litigators handle everything from auto dealership lawsuits to regulatory compliance issues.

Types of Civil Litigation Cases

Here are some examples of the civil litigation cases the lawyers at Chung & Ignacio handle:

  • Auto Dealerships – We represent auto dealerships facing disputes with manufacturers, employees, other executives, and more.
  • Breach of Contract – These cases involve accusations of failing to provide goods, money, services, or actions in relation to a legally binding contract.
  • Business Dissolutions – When a business decides to split, the situation can be aggravated by a number of factors, such as external pressures, partnership disputes, and control issues. We aim to resolve those disputes.
  • Business Law – Our business law practice aims to resolve a number of different disputes, from contested partnership to breach of contract and disgruntled employees.
  • Business Torts – A “tort” in law refers to a wrongful act that leads to civil legal liability. Therefore, our business practice encompasses unfair business practices, misrepresentation, fraud, and more.
  • Contract Litigation – Any disagreement or formal dispute of a contract can be resolved via contract litigation, which can involve a breach of fiduciary duty claims, breach of confidentiality claims, or partnership disputes.
  • Fraud Litigation – Fraud is no small accusation. The financial implications of this type of accusation can alter the course of a business forever, which is why attorneys are often called in to help resolve.
  • Landlord Tenant Disputes – In many landlord-tenant disputes in Rancho Cucamonga / San Bernardino County, contested unlawful detainer is usually at the center. We aim to resolve eviction and other dispute cases.
  • Personal Injury – Personal injury actions are initiated by a party after they or a loved one has been harmed by the negligent or wrongful acts of another. For example, a plaintiff could be an individual harmed in a car accident filing a claim against a trucking company for fault in the incident.
  • Real Estate Litigation – Real estate is one of the more complex areas of law. With multiple parties involved, such as escrow agents, loan officers, buyers, sellers, and brokers, it can be common for things to go wrong.
  • Regulatory Compliance – Our economy is more regulated than ever before. If you as an individual or your business is facing regulatory non-compliance, contact our firm.

Civil Litigation Terms Defined

Defining terms can be helpful in understanding civil litigation.

  • Tort – Either an act of wrongdoing or an infringement on someone’s rights that initiates a civil action
  • Damages – Money sought or awarded as compensation for some type of loss or injury
  • Litigator – Another word for a “trial lawyer” who handles civil litigation cases.
  • Appeal – If a party in civil litigation is not satisfied by the court’s ruling and would like to petition for a higher court to review, this is called an “appeal” and the person making the request is called the “appellant.”
  • Brief – The written statement that both litigators submit during trial proceedings in explanation of their side/argument.
  • Complaint – The statement that initiates a civil lawsuit.

Do Civil Cases Always Go to Court?

Civil cases do not have to be resolved in court. They can be settled outside of court or handled by way of alternative dispute resolution (ADR). If the case goes to court, the issues will be decided by a judge. If the case is settled outside of court, both parties have slightly more control over how the issues are decided.

Do you have a civil litigation matter?

After reading this, have you come to realize that you need a civil litigation attorney?

Contact Chung & Ignacio, LLP! Our law firm has a wide range of experience in civil cases in Rancho Cucamonga and can help you navigate your unique legal issues. Call us today at (909) 726-7112 for a free consultation!
