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Making Your Home Your Own After Divorce

A picture of the bathroom design for its bathtub and shower areas

We all tend to connect places with memories. After a divorce, both good and bad memories may constantly replay in your mind as you walk through the home you and your ex-spouse once shared. Changing up the interior design of your home can do a lot to help you break free from the past and start fresh. Here are some tips for redecorating your home after divorce.

Pack up the Mementos

If you haven’t already, take down and put away any decor connected to your ex-spouse. For example, pictures taken on past trips. Ensure that any decorations or items that you collected during your marriage are out of sight and mind. If you don’t feel ready to fully get rid of them, keep them in a box tucked away.

Think About What You’ve Always Wanted

When you live with someone else, you have to make sacrifices. When you were married, you may have had to compromise on wall colors, furniture, how rooms were used or set up, and more. Now you don’t have to sacrifice at all. Look around your space and think about your dream home, then make it happen.

Prioritize Happiness in the Space

This could be done in a few simple ways:

  • Art that shares positive and/or motivational messages
  • Set up an area for exercise or yoga to get your endorphins flowing
  • Choose calming colors like light blues or whites
  • Bring in plants for a touch of nature inside
  • Use candles or aromatherapy in all rooms for soothing scents

Re-Furnish Your Home

If your budget allows, consider purchasing new furniture. This could be new couches, a new bed, or other items that you and your former spouse shared daily. If buying new items isn’t an option for you, consider refurbishing! There are DIY video tutorials for everything these days, including how to redo furniture. Purchasing new bedding can also create a brand-new look in the same bedroom.

Rancho Cucamonga Divorce Lawyers

At Chung & Ignacio, LLP, our team of attorneys is here to help you throughout your divorce.

If you are thinking about filing, need legal representation, or have post-divorce issues that need to be settled, contact us today online or by calling (909) 726-7112.
