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Tips to Survive Your Workday During Divorce

Judge's gable beside two wedding rings.

Divorces, even amicable ones, are difficult and often fraught with emotions. This is the end of a relationship you believed and hoped would last, so it is only natural to feel troubled by its dissolution. These emotions simply do not stop when you go to work and, at times, might even interfere with your ability to perform your job to the best of your abilities. You do not have to struggle through the workday, however.

Here are some helpful tips to reduce your stress throughout the day, so that you can stay focused and productive:

  1. Block Messages Related to Your Divorce: Obviously you need to communicate with your attorney regarding your divorce, reading motions and complaints, but you do not have to do this while at work. These messages will only upset and derail you, so make sure to converse with your lawyer only after work and keep your communications structured to avoid having to ride the emotional roller coaster when you should be working. Setting up a structured schedule can also help cut down on legal bills.
  2. Take a Break: Sometimes taking a much-needed break can help relieve some stress. Go out for a walk, grab a cup of coffee, or even sit in your car just to shut your eyes for a few moments of peace and quiet.
  3. Keep Your Mind Busy: Being busy means having little time for your mind to wander into matters that will inevitably bring you down. Take on more tasks to avoid having too much spare time on your hands.
  4. Be Selective: Be careful about who you share information about your divorce with. This is a life-altering event, so informing your supervisor would be wise. Let him or her know that while you might seem off at times, you are still fully capable of performing your job and will continue to ensure that you do everything that is expected of you. Sharing this with everyone, on the other hand, will not do you any good.
  5. Have an Answer Ready: Co-workers will eventually realize that something is off, so you should have a response ready for when they ask if you are okay. Keep it vague, but let them know you appreciate their concern without delving into the details.
  6. Clear Your Desk: You probably have pictures of your spouse on your desk. It is time to get rid of them. Leaving these painful reminders out will only make it difficult for you to focus on your work. Replace any pictures or reminders of your marriage with items that uplift you and help boost your mood.
  7. Find Things That Make You Happy: If there is a song you love or a quick video clip that makes you laugh, take a moment to enjoy it. It will provide the little pick-me-up you might need as you go about your work.

Rancho Cucamonga Divorce Lawyers

Divorce does not always have to be complicated and messy. With an experienced and skilled attorney at your side, the process can be navigated more easily and you can rest assured that your best interests are being protected. At Chung & Ignacio, LLP, we are familiar with the legal obstacles individuals going through a divorce often face and can help you get through them. With us, you will receive legal solutions that suit your specific needs, dedicated counsel, one-on-one attention, and years of insight and experience behind your case.

Call Chung & Ignacio, LLP for qualified representation today at (909) 726-7112. We provide free consultations and are also fluent in Spanish.
