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4 Essential Tips for Surviving Work During Divorce


Whether you’re a high-level executive working for a large corporation, mid-level management at a retail store or you’re your own boss, getting through the workday while going through a divorce can be difficult. In this blog, our Rancho Cucamonga divorce attorney discusses four easy tips to help you get through the workday.

  1. Block All Incoming Divorce-Related Messages: During business hours, block all incoming emails, text messages, or phone calls regarding your divorce. If you are frequently receiving emails from your divorce attorney, spouse, or other concerned family members, it can be hard to focus on your work. If you have a smartphone with “Do Not Disturb” settings, turn it on. Create a separate folder for all incoming divorce correspondence, this way you can focus on working and you won’t be upset by a subject line or preview message.
  2. Clear Your Desk: If your office is decorated with pictures of your family and other memories from your marriage, you should consider clearing it out. Photos can trigger intense emotions of sadness and depression, especially if you are not the spouse asking for the divorce. Take some time before work to transform your office into a new space. Swap out pictures of your family for motivational quotes or beautiful, relaxing landscapes.
  3. Step Away from Your Desk: Taking a break from your work to get some fresh air and exercise can be helpful. Not only will it release endorphins, which are chemicals known for helping your body fight stress, but it can help reset your thoughts and take you out of the situation enough to refocus yourself.
  4. Talk to HR: Sometimes, we need some help coping with life. Many companies have programs designed to help their employee cope with depression, stress, or loss. Talk to your HR representative about how you can take advantage of these programs.

At Chung & Ignacio, LLP, we understand how difficult divorce can be, which is why we aim to provide personalized, compassionate legal solutions to our clients. Our Rancho Cucamonga divorce lawyers can be a lighthouse guiding you through the complexities of divorce.

Contact our offices today for a free consultation.
