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Do I Need a Business Law Attorney?

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If you own a business, at some point, you’ve probably considered contacting a lawyer. Upsets with business partners, sales, or a rogue employee or client can quickly escalate from a small disagreement to a massive legal issue. But how do you know when it’s time to contact a lawyer?

It can be challenging to determine when you want to handle a small legal dispute on your own, or if it’s best to consult with a lawyer. It's usually quite clear when dealing with larger legal conflicts that it's necessary to contact your business law attorney. Here are a few scenarios of when you may want to contact your attorney:

Drafting a New Contract

Ensuring business contracts are written wholly and professionally, especially new deals, can make or break your business. Without a firm, legally binding contract, it may be difficult to succeed or profit from your new partnership. Having an experienced lawyer on your side to review, edit, and attempt to ‘poke holes’ in your contract can make all the difference. If, by chance, you ever have a breach of contract from your client, partner, or otherwise, it’s important to have a robust and reliable contract to uphold your agreement.

Regulatory Compliance

Over the past 200 years, multiple codes of law and regulatory agencies have popped up, intending to protect both businesses and consumers. However, because so many codes of law and regulatory agencies exist, it can be challenging to ensure your business, new or existing, is abiding by each and every requirement. It’s helpful to have a trusted business law attorney available and by your side to help you navigate and ensure you’re following the correct codes and regulations. Not only do businesses need to comply with these regulations, but so do their boards and management.

Closing Your Business

If you’re closing your business, regardless of whether you’ve struggled to keep your business alive or it’s simply time to move on, understanding how to dissolve your company is an important and sensitive matter. Closing your business doesn’t mean you can cut ties with everyone and walk away. You may be responsible for a continuation of liability to your employees, business partners, and local and state government offices. Working with an experienced business law attorney can help ensure you check off all the appropriate boxes needed to completely dissolve your business.

If you have questions and would like to speak to one of our lawyers today, please contact us. Our offices are open, and we’re looking forward to hearing from you.
